India is home from Peru!

After 2 planes, 2 trains and 30 hours later, India returned home from Peru on the 10th August!

Congratulations to India for completing her gap year with FirstServe.  Please pray for her as she adjusts to life back in the UK again, and pray for her future as she begins her studies at University in September!

India Frankish in Peru

Our FirstServer India Frankish is currently serving in Peru and has so far been staying with the Hansen family and serving in the various ministries they help with. She then travelled down to Trujillo to help the Silva family with all they’re involved in and is staying with them again after getting on so well …

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Luke Brookes – My FirstServe Experience

“I’ve been back home for two months from my trip to Niger now, and as I look back on the past year it is very easy to see God’s goodness through my FirstServe experience. My experience started with 2 months in Scotland and the remainder of my time was spent in Niger, Africa through ROCK …

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Craig & Sarah in Zambia!

Craig and Sarah have just over one month left of their 3 month placement with GLO Zambia.  They’re currently at an orphanage called ‘Renewed Hope’ in Kitwe.  Here’s the latest update from Craig: “We’ve been here since the 6th of June and are here for a total of 18 days. We’ve both settled in extremely …

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