Why FirstServe?

FirstServe is a unique Christian discipleship programme for 18-30 year olds, designed to bring you closer to God through mission. Here’s some of the main reasons why you should apply to FirstServe.


One of the aims of FirstServe is to inspire you and provide you with time to grow spiritually. You’ll take part in our Discipleship Course, which allows you to have time alone with God each week, study His Word and develop your relationship with Him. This course is designed to give you a deeper understanding of the Bible, teach you about mission and help you consider relevant issues, such as personal evangelism and living as a Christian.

Mentoring and support

We ensure that you are cared for and supported throughout your FirstServe gap year programme. Programme supervisors will be assigned to you at each step of the way, and the FirstServe coordination team are on hand if you have any questions or need additional support. We also believe it is important for us to work with your home church, as they encourage you throughout your time away.


Our FirstServe  programme is bespoke to you, and we’ll tailor it to your availability, gifts and calling. So, if there is a country or area of service you’re particularly interested in, then get in touch to chat about what we offer. Previous FirstServers have visited countries such as Moldova, Tanzania, Albania, Uganda France, India and Zambia, but we have contact with mission workers around the world.

What our FirstServers say: